Residential Window Service
Siding Innovations has been serving homeowners in the Northern Nevada and Lake Tahoe area with quality residential window products for decades. We only use the best replacement window products that stand up to the harsh elements that the Northern Nevada and Lake Tahoe weather brings. Our residential window products include vinyl windows, wood windows, aluminium windows, and fiberglass windows.
Gone are the days of simple wood frames with single-pane glass. These days, windows do more than simply bring light and airflow into a space. Advances in window technology provide homeowners with ample benefits, including sound reduction and enhanced energy reduction, not to mention the wide variety of features, options and window materials available to customize a new or replacement window to perfectly suit your needs.
There are many factors to consider when shopping for new or replacement windows for your home, but know that those new windows will provide more than a few benefits that you will enjoy for years to come.
We offer free and easy in-home window replacement estimates. Our estimates include evaluating the condition of your existing windows and helping you choose the best window for your home’s needs. We will walk you through the whole window replacement process which is very simple and easy.

Window Types
- Single Slider
- Single Hung
- Picture
- Casement
- Awning
- End Vent Slider
- Geometric
- Picture over Slider